February 20, 2010

Our Journey Begins

This is only the beginning...

After attending an auction for a friend of the family that is adopting, God layed his finger on my heart. I knew that we were supposed to adopt but I pushed it out of my mind because I have always wanted to have three kids of my own. That sounds awful but we only plan to have three kids and my second one hasn't been much of a "baby" but it didn't bother me because I knew that I would get to experience the baby stage one more time. Little did I know, God had other plans for us! I began following adoption blogs and reading books. The more I tried to get adoption out of my mind...the stronger the feeling was. Then of course there were several messages at church that were meant "just for me"...you know the ones! I became to realize that it is all about God's purpose, not my plan. So I talked to my husband and we decided to pray about it. So I prayed, and prayed. I also prayed that Ryan would have the same feelings about it that I did...that he would feel the same overwhelming, undescribable feelings that I had everytime I thought about adoption. After lots of prayer and talking wtih others, we realized that he didn't have to have the same feelings. That God placed this on my heart for a reason. At the end of January 2010 we decided that we would adopt a baby girl from Ethiopia. We know this is going to be a long process that will test our faith at times. But we are so excited to watch God work in our lives and help us meet our baby girl. It is so comforting to know that HE already knows who our baby girl will be...HE has picked the perfect princess to complete our family.

We begin this journey to a family of 5!!!